A Day at The Faire!
The online store is now accepting new orders

Good Morrow Lords and Ladies – Prepare Thyself for Merriment!
Who doesn’t like to spend a long summer day at a renaissance faire. Dressing up in your favorite garb, having a drink, eating turkey legs, wetting your whistle, jousting, chugging a mug of ale, turtle races and a round of mead. A day at the faire with friends can lift anyone’s spirits.
GoatBoy Games hopes to bring that same sentiment to friends and family stuck at home, missing their local shenanigans.
Get ready to demonstrate your nobility. Grab a drink, a non-acoholic one for the wee ones, and get ready to roll your way to victory. Players are represented by costumes with individually unique abilities and traits. Participate in events like jousting, darts, knife throwing, turtle racing and more. Each roll will encourage players to tip their cups back and your costume will get to stop at ale stands for a sip or two, or three or four. Your costume will earn, find and steal tokens and the costume with the most tokens at the end of the game wins! Huzzah!!!!
Whether you roll the game up and take it with you to faire, or you play it at your home (of course still dressing up in your faire garb) A Day at the Faire will evoke laughter, merriment and get people shouting. If you have been to a renaissance faire, this may sound familiar.
We bid thee, farewell!
$45.00Add to cart